Hoppy Kamiyama

Also known as: 
ホッピー神山 , 神山暁雄 (birth name)
22 February 1960, Saitama, Japan
Founder of God Mountain

Hoppy Kamiyama is an artist whose many and varied creative incarnations resist definition. He has produced work in a significant quantity of different genres. Titles which might better suit a noise-punk or classical leaning tag often display a great number of visionary and/or experimental elements which easily defy any staid definition applicable to their overall genre - they move with a feel many would indeed call "progressive." Some of the titles which fit the Avant-Proggressive genre are albums he has released under his own name as a solo artist, and these are the albums for which he has garnered this particular listing. Kamiyama's creative touch spreads far and wide regarding avant-prog music - he has produced, released on his label, and played in a number of bands such as Optical 8, Daimonji, Soft Mountain, Altered States, Ground Zero, Tipographica, Koenjihyakkei, eX-Girl, Korekyojinn, Demi Semi Quaver, etc.

It's hard to say which is the greatest and most influential recording by the man who invented the modern concept of the keyboardist/composer/producer, and Hoppy has made about 200 CDs over a nearly 32 year career.

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