Katie Dey - Flood Network

2016 Original Release
Joy Void | #008 | CD/Digital/Vinyl
  01. All (1:30)
  02. (f1) (0:26)
  03. Fleas (2:03)
  04. (f2) (0:48)
  05. Frailty (2:32)
  06. (f3) (0:39)
  07. Fake Health (2:01)
  08. (f4) (1:16)
09. Fear O the Light (2:55)
  10. (f5) (1:48)
  11. So You Pick Yourself Up (2:21)
  12. (f6) (1:13)
  13. Only to Trip and Fall Down Again (2:39)
  14. (f7) (1:19)
  15. Debt (3:08)
  16. (f8) (3:10)
  17. It's Simpler to Make Home on the Ground (2:14)