Ida Toninato - We Become Giants
Comments: Took me awhile to get into but definitely worth sitting down with headphones on and listening to.

Artist: Ida Toninato
Rating: GOOD
Genres: DroneElectroacoustic EAIMicrosound
Released: 2020
Type: Album
Label: Dragon's Eye
Link: Bandcamp

'We Become Giants' was composed and recorded at the Tank Center for Sonic Arts in Colorado. This immense former water treatment facility is a uniquely resonant space, with a massive 40-second long reverberation. The music was composed in and with this sublime arena, the harmonics and beating patterns created by its own echo and reverb. After recording raw material in-situ, I returned to the studio to create a parallel synthetic space responding to the original one, using synthesizers, beats, and effects. The whole album was developed with the analogy of a hallucination in which real and imaginary space are intertwined into a sonic, visceral trip....

'We Become Giants' is dedicated to my brother, Manoah Toninato, whose courage and determination are amongst the brightest lights in my life. ~Ida Toninato

released February 21, 2020

2020 Original Release
Dragon's Eye | de6031 | Digital
  01. Avant Les ForĂȘts (6:28)
  02. We Become Giants (13:33)
03. Burning Bright (14:29)
  04. Pour Retourner Au Silence (13:44)
05. Antares (11:38)