Lemna - Urge Theory
Artist: Lemna
Genres: Industrial TechnoTechno
Released: 2017
Type: EP
Label: Horo
Link: Bandcamp

‘Urge Theory’ is the debut solo EP from Japanese artist Maiko Okimoto aka Lemna. Following on from her collaborative EP as Ourea alongside Sam KDC, Urge Theory sets about establishing the Lemna style. Rollicking hypnotic polyrhythms and a distinctive touch to creating driving tension are Maiko’s signatures, with a track like DLPFC interjecting an elastic vigor into her style. After introducing her live set to Europe at Berlin Atonal 2017 to rapturous applause, Urge Theory delivers what many in attendance defined her performance as - a new sound and identity for modern techno.

2017 Original Release
Horo | HOROEX15 | Digital/Vinyl
  01. Dice (6:23)
  02. DLPFC (7:03)
03. Metamorphosis (7:43)
  04. Blot (6:27)