ose - With & Without
Comments: Well thought out with good sound design.

Artist: ose
Rating: DECENT
Genres: AmbientProgressive Electronic
Released: 2019
Type: Album
Label: Ghunghru
Link: Bandcamp

When I first started writing this album, I started with the intention of taking my hindustani classical roots and giving it a new home, a new skin, a new soul. I’ve been deeply entranced by this idea of taking ragas and transforming them into something others can understand. In many ways, a lot of my work is aiming to make this artform more accessible, more understood, more appreciated....

My music is all inspired by the ragas I grew up singing. Sometimes it’s intentional, where I’ll start with a raga and compose within its compositional rules. Some other times, I’ll just let my voice take me to an alternative place, where my muscle memory would kick in resulting in stuff that just comes pouring out in all these different scales.

Intuitively my compositional styles navigated towards what they had always been for my whole life, only this time with different instruments. How can I make my synth a sitar?

This is an album about being vulnerable with what you hear, about being open to coalescing different worlds into each other in a way that might not be done before. I have a diversity of sounds here - works that are more slow, strange, experimental, emotional and durational, to works that are more fast, expected, melodic... more

released September 5, 2019

2019 Original Release
Ghunghru | GHUNGHRU05 | Digital
  01. I feel incomplete without sound (11:38)
02. Drown out the noise with your silence (10:45)
  03. Just like a dragonfly (12:53)
  04. Is it love? (9:06)