Magamura - Supernaturals
Artist: Magamura
Rating: DECENT
Genres: Dark AmbientIndustrial Techno ExperimentalIndustrial Jazz
Released: 2017
Type: Album
Label: Kebko Music
Link: Bandcamp

Akiko Kiyama’s Kebko Music is proud to announce its third instalment with the debut and one-time-only album by Magamura, an experimental project founded by guitarist Eril Fjord and Not So Secret label boss Laurine Frost. Focused on their improvisational approach, the Hungarian duo have released no music to date, instead making appearances at renowned festivals and venues like Arma in Moscow and establishing their name with the combination of the former’s indie aesthetic and the electronic music prowess the latter has proved on Nervmusic. Despite their huge influence from the 70-80s experimental music, Supernaturals is not so much retrospective as ominously dystopian. It captures and distils their well-known improvisational mutability into a testament to their promising potential, which stands the test of time....

released April 21, 2017

2017 Original Release
Kebko Music | KEBLP001 | Digital/Vinyl
  01. Aspen '92 (3:54)
  02. Bloody Footprints in the Air (5:47)
  03. Lavina (10:29)
  04. Yeti (5:38)
  05. Tundra (3:32)
  06. One-Two Tree (1:37)
  07. Youth (3:13)
  08. Roon (3:12)
09. S36 (7:26)
10. Enolah (6:26)