Stefan Roigk - Suffering for the Promised
Comments: Dull.

Artist: Stefan Roigk
Rating: MEH
Genres: Musique concrèteElectroacoustic
Released: 2019
Type: EP
Label: Fragment Factory
Link: Bandcamp

Being in the making – or un-making – for the past 14 years, Stefan Roigk's "Suffering For The Promised" has gone through many stages, from being finished, revoked, left untouched, reworked, discussed to finally getting banned onto vinyl in its ultimate and irrevocable form. An atmospherically intense but yet utterly fragile piece, combining concrete sounds, field recordings and devotional vocal fragments to an eclectic and highly intimate composition, consolidating Roigk's position as one of the top players in the game....

released January 1, 2019

2019 Original Release
Fragment Factory | FRAG47 | Digital/Vinyl
  01. Suffering for the Promised (16:00)