Pouya Ehsaei - RocRast
Artist: Pouya Ehsaei
Rating: GOOD
Genres: Industrial TechnoPost-Industrial
Released: 2020
Type: Album
Label: Zabte Sote
Link: Bandcamp

RocRast plays with our perception of time. How experiencing time leads to sensations, feelings, emotions and how these become the matter that is sound. RocRast seeks to strike an image behind the eyelids. A mass of sound floating in the air, getting in and out of focus. A grumbling tunnel with bursts of fractal shapes. A stranded village, sandstorm, creaking door, drops of water. Or perhaps it strikes an image of a figure flickering in red light, broken and deformed, strumming a broken instrument that never sounds right. RocRast is about nothing, nothing but that window of time when you’re listening to it. It is a malleable mass that can be heard and seen from multitudes of angels. How melancholic, brutal, calming and disturbing it sounds, depends on your experience in the moment, there and then. ...

Rocrast’s tracks are all recordings of live performances played on an all-hardware setup with a modular synthesizer at the centre. There has been minimal editing and post-production. This is partly dictated by the continuous aspect of these tracks which made time jumps impossible; and partly in an attempt to be true to the actual moment of these performances.

released October 30, 2020

2020 Original Release
Zabte Sote | ZS007 | Digital/Cassette