Rev Rev Rev - Kykeon
Comments: I just listened to this and couldn't tell you a single thing about it. It's not bad. It's just instantly forgettable.

Artist: Rev Rev Rev
Rating: MEH
Genres: Shoegaze
Released: 2019
Type: Album
Label: Fuzz Club Records
Link: Bandcamp

Kykeon is about exploring the obscure. It’s a ritual descent into the underworld, but also a flight through the cold spaces amid the stars. There’s stripped-back song structures, trance-like drumming, fuzzy reverberated guitars, abrasive atonal sounds and tonnes of feedback....

released September 20, 2019

2019 Original Release
Fuzz Club Records | FC112 | CD/Digital/Vinyl
  01. Waiting for Gödel (5:11)
  02. Clutching the Blade (4:00)
  03. 3 Not 3 (2:50)
04. Gate of the Dark Female (4:20)
  05. One Illusion Is Very Much Like Another (3:27)
  06. Egocandy (3:06)
  07. Sealand (3:44)
08. Adrift in the Chaosmos (2:42)
  09. Summer Clouds (4:04)
  10. Cyclopes (4:14)