Amanda Gookin - Forward Music Project 1​.​0
Comments: Outstanding.

For elevating stories of suffering and joy....
For raising awareness of injustice.
For shining a light on a culture of musical-patriarchal deification.
Whether you come with caution and leave with curiosity,
come as a victim and find a voice,
or come as an ally and feel a sense of community,
I founded Forward Music Project for you.
For mothers. For sisterhood.
For brave storytellers and quiet listeners.
I sing, I gasp, I fight,
I breathe life into the work of these fearless artists.
I founded Forward Music Project for you.
And you are not alone.
-Amanda Gookin, April 2020
Cellist and creator of Forward Music Project

The music of FMP directly engages with the world we live in
by valuing vulnerability and unrelentless realism. Presented
by The Kennedy Center, Park Avenue Armory, National
Sawdust and educational programs in the midwest where
young women first discover their voices through music, the
message of FMP is unwavering: in the fight for radical
empathy and feminine empowerment, you are not alone.
During the world premiere of these solo cello and
electronics commissions, Bruce Hodges of The Strad
magazine wrote, "Gookin's focus and ferocity - coupled with
expert technical work - made her message unforgettable."

released July 10, 2020

2020 Original Release
Bright Shiny Things | BSTC-0135 | CD/Digital
  01. Dam mwen yo (5:25)
  02. Stolen (5:20)
03. Las Desaparecidas (7:11)
  04. memories lie dormant (8:00)
05. Stray Sods (6:31)
06. For Edna (11:59)
07. Swerve (5:50)