Ekoclef - tapeswap
Comments: Excellent evening album but I did feel this was more background music than anything else.

Artist: Ekoclef
Rating: GOOD
Genres: Electronic
Released: 2011
Type: Album
Link: Bandcamp

The debut collaboration from Ekoplekz and Bass Clef....

released October 11, 2011

2011 Original Release
MAGIC + DREAMS | MAD013 | Digital/Cassette
  01. You Have the Clocks but We Have the Time (4:28)
  02. Lens Flare Oh Yeah (3:20)
  03. Tonight Is a Trap but the Bait Is Great (3:21)
04. We March Triumphant Over Your Bones (2:57)
05. Wait a Minute Mister Postman (3:17)
  06. Skeletal Turrets Loom Over the Reservoir (4:43)
  07. Fight Fire With Firefighters (1:41)
  08. TDK Kabushiki-Gaisha (1:32)
  09. G Major Severn (2:53)
  10. Tical Versus Laudunum (0:37)
  11. I Was a Tree in the Forest; They Cut Me Down (4:05)
  12. Keep the Lighthouse Burning Bright and True Tonight (2:08)
  13. M4 Endless (4:56)
14. Sonic Salvation (2:49)
  15. Imperial (3:59)