Hiperson - Bildungsroman
Comments: Couldn't really get into this release.

Artist: Hiperson
Rating: DECENT
Genres: Art RockIndie Rock MotorikPost-PunkPost-Rock
Released: 2020
Type: Album
Label: Maybe Mars
Link: maybemars.org

released July 24, 2020

2020 Original Release
Maybe Mars | MM100 | CD/Digital/Vinyl
01. Spring Breeze (7:55)
  02. Xindu People (5:42)
  03. I Am in a Period of Desperation (4:23)
  04. Daily March (8:44)
05. Crashing Into Daylight (3:00)
06. From Birth to the Present (4:08)
  07. Our Ballad (7:43)
  08. Found It (5:20)
  09. I Don't Want Another Life (6:40)
  10. Happy Times Always Pass Fast (3:41)