Mordant Music - The Tower - Parts VIII - XVIII
Artist: Mordant Music
Rating: GOOD
Genres: Dark AmbientElectronic DronePost-Rock
Released: 2007
Type: Album
Label: Mordant Music
Link: Bandcamp

Back in the heady fauxdieaval days of 2005 MM unwisely presented 'The Tower - Parts I-VII' (seven movements of mock-Tudor menace which failed to trouble a cellbound Burzum) to bemused spores awaiting another MM006 perhaps, 'The Tower' in question being the climbing variant in N16, cunningly photographed to look 'Bavarian'...this installment sees Admiral Greyscale arrive with New Forest ponies - handpicked by Jack Hargreaves - in an attempt at liberating both Lord Klattr & Baron Mordant from their opiated incarceration in this synaesthetic sarcophagii....sporting casual chainmail however is no guarantee of a near mint pressing for home without expecting 'slight marks' along the way....will there be a final escape from this dank, volatile Dibnah or is it merely a sedant allegory to hard drive enslavement beamed through a musty troll?....the MMind toggles....BM...

released June 1, 2007

2007 Original Release
Mordant Music | MM016 | CD
  01. On the Scent (2:25)
02. Gaining Mmomentum (2:45)
03. Black Advance (4:25)
  04. Warning Maps (4:02)
05. On Cracked Hooves (8:11)
  06. Black Halogen (3:13)
  07. A Clearing (1:33)
08. Nocturnal Bias (5:41)
09. Navigation Error (3:38)
  10. The Tower (Empty Fortress) (6:30)
  11. Untitled (1:06)