Kokum - Impressions of Environment
Comments: This is atrocious. Just utterly terrible. Even the production is awful.

Artist: Kokum
Genres: ElectronicGlitch
Released: 2015
Type: Album
Label: Baba Vanga
Link: Bandcamp

Kokum's sound harks back to those times in musical history that cherished the primordial and the raw. A ritualistic narrative inspired by his interest in “primitive ancient things” and his search for what is irredeemably lost. Every track tells a story, using the voice as the instrument, with a relentless rhythmic backdrop. Vulnerable, fragile, but raw and commanding at the same time, the voice is at the centrepoint of Kokum's artistic practice....

Possessing the grit and grainy, angry melancholia of the 80s/early 90s UK industrial/noise/psychedelic scene, the likes of Shadow Ring, Ramleh or Skullflower, Kokum uses instruments which are not music instruments per se – in the great old tradition of Einstürzende Neubauten and the like – cutlery, vessels, a table leg... “Everything has own its sound and this is important to me.”

Impressions of Environment is a soundtrack to aimless walks in a wasteland, that at the tail end of the Thatcherite era might have seemed desolately bleak but at least concrete in terms of its antithesis. In 2015, it just expresses the omnipresent angst and clueless void that we are staring into.

released October 3, 2015

2015 Original Release
Baba Vanga | VNG010 | Digital/Cassette
  01. The Prelude (2:13)
  02. Ancient Environment (3:46)
  03. Good Neighborhood (4:45)
  04. Dance Pow Wow (4:18)
  05. During in the Nature (1:52)
  06. T'chep-ah Askh (3:25)
  07. Entrenched Habit (3:08)
  08. Lost Theme (2:51)
  09. Common Run of Mankind (3:19)