France Jobin - The Illusion of Infinitesimal
Comments: This would be great if the production wasn't so quiet.

Artist: France Jobin
Rating: MEH
Genres: AmbientLowecase
Released: 2014
Type: Album
Label: Baskaru
Link: Bandcamp

The Illusion of Infinitesimal represents another chance to refine the unique essence of each sound and composition, in an effort to better communicate intent without influencing its unfolding, a delicate balance between perfection and detachment....

A parallel could be drawn from particles of matter, which, "as far as we know, are infinitesimal points of zero size, yet they have measurable amounts of angular momentum. Does the concept of rotation even make sense for a featureless speck? Angular momentum seems to be a more foundational concept than rotation itself. The angular momentum, or spin, of a single particle is restricted in strange ways. It can have only certain values, and not all values are allowed for all particles."
Perfection and uncertainty.

2014 Original Release
Baskaru | karu:27 | CD/Digital
01. -1/2 (19:41)
  02. 0 (15:13)
  03. +1 (23:17)