Mark Deutsch - Fool
Comments: This is a nice album that easily pulls you in.

Artist: Mark Deutsch
Rating: GOOD
Genres: DroneModern Classical
Released: 1999
Type: Album
Label: Self-released
Link: Bandcamp

1999 Original Release
Self-released | CD
  01. Iacta Alea Est, Orchid's Womb (4:54)
02. The Painted Bird (13:51)
03. Parsifal (16:26)
  04. The Sword of Damocles (8:36)
  05. Kundalini Rising (6:41)
  06. Avodah (15:18)
  07. Chrysanthemums & Orchids (2:45)
  08. Lunatic Fringe (1:17)