Stephen O'Malley & Anthony Pateras - Rêve Noir
Artists: Anthony Pateras, Stephen O'Malley
Rating: GOOD
Genres: DroneElectroacoustic
Released: 2018
Type: Album
Label: Immediata
Link: Bandcamp

Combining Pateras’ exploratory piano techniques with O’Malley’s harmonic ecstasies, this duo performed a one-off show at Instants Chavirés in 2011. Remixed and re-constructed here primarily using ¼ inch tape machine, Rêve Noir presents a compelling landscape of fractured musique concrète, introspective meditations, buzzing electro-acoustic textures and straight up walls of monolithic guitar....

released February 19, 2018

2018 Original Release
Immediata | IMM013 | CD/Digital
  01. Stephen O'Malley & Anthony Pateras I (17:16)
  02. Stephen O'Malley & Anthony Pateras II (8:15)
03. Stephen O'Malley & Anthony Pateras III (10:13)