Abul Mogard - Abul Mogard
Artist: Abul Mogard
Rating: GOOD
Genres: Dark AmbientDroneExperimental Electronic
Released: 2012
Type: Album
Label: VCO
Link: Bandcamp

Abul Mogard approached music in old age. He was born in Belgrad and spent most of his life working in a Serbian factory....
When he retired, he felt that his accustomed environment with all the acoustic noises he had been listening to during his working years, was gone.

Music was a way to somehow recreate these surroundings, and not having a formal musical education he realized that using electronic musical instruments would make this possible. These machines could also make similar sounds to the ones he remembered. He started working with synthesizers and other devices, some of which he has built himself over the past few years.

Dedicated to Lucia Zen

released June 13, 2012

2012 Original Release
VCO | VCO 007 | CD/Digital
  01. Despite Faith (7:41)
  02. Drooping Off (10:11)
  03. The Purpose of Peace (9:38)
04. The Room (16:37)
  05. Android Manouvres (13:36)