Beau Wanzer - LP1
Comments: Sometimes referred to as Untitled, or Untitled 1

Artist: Beau Wanzer
Rating: DECENT
Genres: ElectroElectro-IndustrialMinimal Synth
Released: 2014
Type: Album
Label: Self-released
Link: Bandcamp

released October 31, 2014

2014 Original Release
Self-released | BW01 | Digital/Vinyl
  01. Groove's No Zone (4:09)
  02. Basement Dwellers (3:48)
  03. Mob Boss (2:11)
  04. 23132 (1:56)
  05. Slow Down Sir (1:42)
06. I Don't Really Want To (2:56)
  07. Love Tone (2:55)
  08. Oklahoma (2:52)
  09. Shitty Cough 2 (3:32)
10. Storm Food (2:24)
  11. Shitty Cough 7 (2:33)
  12. Headspace (3:39)