Zavoloka - Promeni
Artist: Zavoloka
Rating: GOOD
Genres: IDMIndustrial Techno
Released: 2018
Type: Album
Label: Kvitnu
Link: Bandcamp

“Promeni” means rays in Ukrainian.

This is the last, fourth volume of the series of albums dedicated to the purification by four Universe Elements.

First three were Viter (for Air), Vedana (for Water) and Syngonia (for Earth). And now Promeni, work dedicated to the Fire Element.

Fire not only as a classical element of the Universe from the ancient philosophy and science associated with the qualities of energy and passion, but also as the audiovisual map and history of metaphysical transformations and inspirations.

Burn the past and ignite the future now.

Та іскра тиха тліла, не вгасала,
І розгорілася багаттям ясним,
І освітила темную темноту, –
На нашім світі влада світла стала!
– Леся Українка

released September 24, 2018

2018 Original Release
Kvitnu | KVITNU 59 | CD/Digital
  01. Promeni | Промені (7:25)
  02. Sontse | Сонце (6:24)
03. Gromovytsya | Громовиця (4:02)
  04. Flame from Within | Полум'я Зсередини (4:47)
05. Bagattya | Багаття (2:33)
  06. Inhale the Light | Вдихай Світло (2:47)
07. Fire Consecration | Вогнехреще (5:07)
  08. Zirka | Зірка (2:57)
09. Iskra | Іскра (6:03)