LCC - d​/​evolution
Artist: LCC
Rating: GOOD
Genres: Dark Ambient Dub Techno
Released: 2014
Type: Album
Label: Editions Mego
Link: Bandcamp

encapsulating the paradox between man and earth. It reflects on the paradigm that is Evolution, and examines the extent to which our development and technological advancement, which is inevitably bound to the extraction and processing of minerals from the earth, has broken and deformed our natural environment. Depleting our resources in an unsustainable way turns what had previously been a symbiotic relationship between humans and the earth into a parasitic one....

Man’s natural rhythms are kept in check by nature’s rhythms, and vice versa. There is a constant fight to maintain the fragile equilibrium.

d/evolution plays with this ambiguity play with an ambiguous sound; they juxtapose warm soundscapes with rough sounds, evoking images of urban and natural environments simultaneously and transforming synthetic sounds into organic ones. A journey of sounds, from the highest peaks to the bowels of the Earth.

released May 26, 2014

2014 Original Release
Editions Mego | EMEGO 198 | Digital/Vinyl
  01. Chróma (5:08)
  02. Quarz (4:29)
  03. Kýpros (2:26)
04. Calx (5:42)
05. Graphein (4:55)
06. Adámas (4:32)
07. Titan (4:49)
  08. Silex (4:52)