Olivia Louvel - Data Regina
Artist: Olivia Louvel
Genres: Art Pop AmbientElectronic
Released: 2017
Type: Album
Label: Cat Werk Imprint
Link: Bandcamp
In Lists:

Fascinated by the existence of two Queens ruling at the same time on a single island, within an extremely male dominated society in the 16th century, composer and artist Olivia Louvel explores the reign of Mary Queen of Scots Vs Elizabeth I and delivers her own singular transposition: Data Regina....

Drawn to the life and writings of Mary Queen of Scots, a poet and essayist herself and one of the most read woman of her time, Olivia Louvel assembles a digital narrative through 17 compositions capturing different palettes, tones, playing with identity within the 'duality-duel' relationship of the two women, two queens and cousins, who were never to meet.

'Data Regina' is a body of work which gathers electronic songs 'The Antechamber’, along with a series of instrumentals, 'The Battles’, a sonic landscape inspired by the 16th century battles on the Anglo-Scottish border.

As well as the publication of a CD, the interactive digital work dataregina.com will provide a further platform to showcase the 3D animations produced by young animator Antoine Kendall as well as curated historical references.

released February 8, 2017

2017 Original Release
Cat Werk Imprint | CW11 | CD/Digital