Sandy Ewen / Weasel Walter - Idiomatic
Comments: 80 minutes of free improv that goes nowhere.

Artists: Sandy Ewen, Weasel Walter
Rating: MEH
Genres: Free Improvisation
Released: 2018
Type: Album
Label: Self-released
Link: Bandcamp

Almost 80 minutes of jarring, surreal, raw improvised music by the duo of Sandy Ewen (guitar) and Weasel Walter (drums/live electronics) captured on this clear, powerful studio recording. Each musician speaks a distinctively deconstructed language on their respective instrument and their interaction is often surprising, always relentless and subtly alien. Sandy Ewen's approach eschews the obligatory mounds of effects pedals (save one for panning) many guitarists use, instead concentrating on direct physicality, extended techniques and non-standard approaches using various simple preparations made with ordinary objects. Weasel Walter's articulate, fleet drumming aims to constantly disrupt continuity, creating chaotic scaffolds of focused illogic, and his use of simple live electronic processing blurs the roles within the soundscape. This is fast-paced musical Modernism in action by two unique voices in modern improvisation....

released February 1, 2018

2018 Original Release
Self-released | CD/Digital
  01. Sandy Ewen & Weasel Walter (22:38) (22:38)
02. Sandy Ewen & Weasel Walter (23:43) (23:48)
  03. Sandy Ewen & Weasel Walter (29:29) (29:29)