Juhani Silvola - Post-Biological Wildlife
Comments: This is the first I've heard of Silvola and I am very impressed.

Artist: Juhani Silvola
Rating: SUPERB
Genres: Electroacoustic
Released: 2019
Type: Album
Label: Eighth Nerve Audio
Link: Bandcamp

released November 1, 2019

2019 Original Release
Eighth Nerve Audio | 8nerve003 | CD/Digital
  01. Ritualrytmikk (7:12)
02. Machines of Loving Grace (13:43)
  03. Vaster Than Empires (8:10)
04. 20th Century Meditation (4:49)
  05. Post-Biological Wildlife (6:29)
  06. Speculative Phonography pt.1 (10:16)