Mansfield.TYA - NYX
Comments: Excellent voice, great songs. They kind of remind me of a French Fiona Apple.

Artist: Mansfield.TYA
Rating: SUPERB
Genres: Art Pop
Released: 2011
Type: Album
Label: Vicious Circle
Link: Bandcamp

released October 17, 2011

2011 Original Release
Vicious Circle | REVERB115 | CD/Digital/Vinyl
  01. Ouverture (0:05)
  02. La notte (2:12)
  03. Animal (3:47)
  04. Première partie "chevelure de Bérénice" (0:04)
05. An island in an island (3:27)
  06. 22h38 (3:06)
07. Xoxo (3:02)
  08. Nightdrive / Apocalypse (4:59)
  09. Seconde partie "l'horloger du roi" (0:04)
  10. Logic coco (3:16)
11. Des coups, des coeurs (2:47)
12. Cavaliers (2:33)
13. Au loin (2:26)
  14. Final (0:04)
15. Cerbère (2:28)