Carolina Eyck & Eversines - Waves
Comments: More theremin goodness.

Artists: Carolina Eyck, Eversines
Rating: GOOD
Genres: ElectronicAmbient Ambient PopArt Pop
Released: 2019
Type: Album
Label: Yeyeh
Link: Bandcamp

In May 2018, yeyeh founder Pieter Jansen was reading up on the history of the theremin when he had an idea. To celebrate 100 years since Leon Theremin came up with the idea for the groundbreaking, non-contact electronic instrument, Jansen proposed a collaborative studio partnership between electronic producer Eversines and Carolina Eyck, a world renowned award winning theremin soloist, famous for her work composing for "Theremin & Voice"....

Over the course of two weeks in November 2018, the pair simultaneously recorded, processed, modulated, layered and arranged Eyck's theremin and vocal sounds create six breathtaking new compositions. The album you hold in your hands was created the same pioneering and experimental spirit that inspired the legendary Russian 100 years ago. It is a fitting tribute to his ingenuity and role in the creation of electronic music.


For the label’s second release, Amsterdam imprint yeyeh has brought together two musicians from vastly different backgrounds to celebrate the far-sighted musical potential of the Theremin on the 100-year anniversary of the instrument’s invention.

“Waves” is the product of two weeks of studio collaborations between award-winning composer and Theremin soloist Carolina Eyck and Eversines, an electronic music producer who has previously released music on yeyeh’s sister label ninih. It builds on Eyck’s work composing for “Theremin & Voice”, with both artists playing a part in processing, modulating, layering and arranging vocal and Theremin sounds to create six breathtaking electronic compositions.

Varied in tone and execution, the album’s six tracks are arguably closer to instrumental pop than academic electronic music. Some tracks bear comparison to the cyclical melodic movements associated with the greats of American minimalism, while others recall the alien, otherworldly futurism of the Radiophonic Workshop, classic ambient music and the sun-bright bliss of early ‘90s IDM. Yet despite these possible perceived parallels, “Waves” sits on its own as a stunning work crafted from the simplest of musical elements.

released April 15, 2019

2019 Original Release
Yeyeh | yeyeh002 | Digital/Vinyl
01. Carolina Eyck & Eversines Reflections (4:44)
  02. Carolina Eyck & Eversines Echos (4:32)
03. Carolina Eyck & Eversines Circles (3:49)
04. Carolina Eyck & Eversines Waves (4:02)
  05. Carolina Eyck & Eversines Dots (2:52)
  06. Carolina Eyck & Eversines Fragments (5:34)